Articles on: Getting started with mesma

Getting started guide for users on the mesma starter package

Welcome to the Mesma "Access all Areas" Starter Package

We know that collaboration leads to better quality improvement.
You will be able to share the platform with up to four other colleagues and work together on building world class quality assurance practices for your team.

Your access is for four months, ensuring you have a clear measure of your progress over time. We will let you know when your Mesma access will close.

For now - let's explore

Here are the first four steps to getting started with Starter.

STEP ONE: Navigate the Main Menu

On the left hand side of the screen you'll find the main menu. When it's hidden you'll just see the icons. You can open up the headings on menu using the three dashes on the top left.

This is what you'll be able to do on Mesma...
> Oversee key insights on Dashboard
> Create a schedule of activity Quality Calendar
> Set and track your key quailty performance indicators on KPI
> Complete self assessment reports and deep dive thematic reviews on Evaluate
> Build and manage Quality Improvement and CPD Plans on Improve
> Plan, enable and oversee reflective practice and observations on Develop
> Store and manage evidence on Library
> Explore management of quality assurance in Admin Controls

Main Menu in Mesma

STEP TWO: Visit the Mesma Templates

Mesma uses templates in Evaluate, Improve and Develop to provide collaborative spaces for quality assurance and improvement.
They've been developed by our specialist team for both education and employment services.
Depending on your sector you will have been given access to the appropriate templates. They are already set up for you to explore.

We will share more guidance with you soon but for now feel free to explore them and test the features.

In Evaluate
With Starter you have access to templates for self assessment (SARs) and deep dive thematic reviews in Enquire.
You will notice there are two sections in Evaluate. The tabs at the top of the main menu swtich between deep dives (Evaluate) and self assessment (Enquire)
When you joined you let us know which self assessment template you need - either the Education Inspection Framework (DfE) or the DWP Quality standards.
We've also given you the Generic Themed Enquiry template in Enquire for deep dives.

**TRY THIS:** Rename the template to reflect what area of your provision you are associating it with. For example, in Evaluate you could be completing your whole organisation SAR. Click on the heading within the SAR and type in a title, such as "Company Name Self Assessment Report". It will auto save.

In Improve
You have access to templates for Quality Imrovement Plans and CPD Plans.
You can go ahead and start to create improvement activities - see the tap at the top of the screen.

**TRY THIS:** Mesma lets you create links between Improve and Develop and Evaluate. So that you can trace back your improvement activity to the inital areas for improvement and ensure that your improvement activity is focused on making an impact.

In Develop
You have access to an observation template.
Head to Create New Develop Activity and you'll create a new observation.

**TRY THIS:** You can create and edit Develop templates in the Admin Controls - head to the Create Template tab.

STEP THREE: Invite Your Colleagues

In Evaluate and Improve you can Invite Users from within any template area.
Click the "Invite Users" button at the top of the screen and select the second tab "Invite New User". Then enter their details and they will be invited to join that template.

STEP FOUR: Set your KPIs

Mesma enables you to set Key Quality Performance Indicators and Link them to any template in Evaluate and Improve.
The KPIs can be updated at regular points with a comment on progress by your colleagues from wtihin the SAR, QIP, Deep Dive or CPD Plans and you can oversee their progress centrally.
This article explains how to do this.

**TRY THIS:** Setting up KPIs is a great inital step in customising Mesma to suit your organisation. It also helps you to take quality improvement beyond your qualtiy standard. For example, apprenticeship providers could set their KPIs to refelect the Accountability Framework stanards.


For more help book a Starter Support Session: CLICK TO BOOK

Updated on: 05/04/2023

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