Articles on: Permissions

Mesma user roles explained

Every user who is given permission to access to the software will be allocated a role. Each role has a group of permissions; essentially this role assignment helps you manage what each user can see and do.

Here is a description of standard roles:


Each client will identify one or more administrators. As an administrator you will be responsible for managing user access and will have additional permission to customise certain functions within the software.

Typically this may be the person setting up the software and managing who uses it

In addition to the administrator role, you can also discuss with us an additional role of Super Administrator. In addition to being able to act as an administrator (see below) super administrator permissions allow you to grant additional privilege to turn off some of the administrator functionality.


As an owner you will have access to enhanced module (link to article on what we mean by modules) features. You can invite other users to contribute to your activity, determine the role others will have and if granted by an administrator you can gain access to custom features.

There are three types of Owners: 1) Client Owner 2) Third-party Owner 3) Department Owner. Please take care to only allocate Client Owner to a user if you are happy for them to see all your user names when inviting their colleagues to join them on the software.

Typically a Client Owner may be a user who is using an assessment or plan which is not assigned to a particular department. A Department owner may be a Department Head and a third-party Owner a lead contact at your partners/subcontractors.


As a Lead you will be invited into the software as an owner. As well as having participant permissions, you will also have the ability to invite users to the activity, an update the KPI summary.


As a participant you will be invited into the software by your owner. You will be able to actively participate by being able to input your contributions. For example; if you have been invited to an assessment or plan for example, you will be able to add, edit and delete your own evaluation or in the case of a plan, create, note comments and progress and manage your own improvements objectives.

Typically this may be any individual who is required take an active role in inputting and editing.


As a reader you have access to be able to read the contributions of others. You can read the content you have been re invited into. You will not be able to make changes to any of the input. You are able to contribute to any comments features.

Typically this may be a senior leader.


As a moderator you will have additional features to allow you to read through the primary input and make comment against it.

Typically this may be anyone who is acting as a mentor or maybe someone in a quality assurance role.


As an approver you will have additional features to allow you to read through the primary input, any moderator notes and make comment against it. The approval is almost a statement of status of sign off.

Typically this may be a line manager who has the final authorisation to approve.

Auditor (Develop Only)

As an Auditor for Develop you will have access to read all activity.

Quality Calendar Editor

As a QC Editor you will have additional features to allow you to schedule your quality cycle across your Evaluate, Enquire, Develop and Improve products.

Key Performance Indicator Editor

As a KPI Editor you will have additional features to allow you to create organisation objectives, map these objectives to key results and connect key results to your assessments, enquiries and improvement plans.

Please Note: Moderator and approver roles apply only to the Evaluate product

Updated on: 22/08/2024

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