Articles on: Trusted Standard

04 Trusted Standard Self-Assessment - Using the Action Plan module

To enter the Trusted Standard Action Plan module, click on Action Plan from your Mesma homepage. This will take you to the Action Plan Module Homepage.

1. The Action Plan Module Homepage

Here is an explanation of all the features you can access via this page.

A. When you first login as an owner your plan homepage may be blank. Click on the import/create icon to import an Improvement plan template.
B. Export your plan into Excel
C. Change your column widths and save your grid settings
D. If you want to reset your column widths click reset
E. Each row represents an plan you have been invited to contribute towards (generally, there is only one). Click on the Title to enter the Trusted Standard Action Plan.
F. You can see the Objective and Task progress and current impact of your improvement activity and view all participants contributing to the plan
G. The Partners column confirms the Action Plan is assigned to your organisation.
H. The Summary button provides a summary dashboard of progress.
I. The Archive button can be used to archive the Action Plan if you need to start again from scratch.

The Trusted Standard Action Plan does not currently use the Group functionality.

2. The Action Plan Explained

Your Trusted Standard Action Plan enables you to collaborate with colleagues to make necessary improvements in your organisation, department or programme identified from your Trusted Standard Self-Assessment.
Your Action Plan is organised into functions for your main Objectives and associated Tasks.

3. Objectives

Objectives are the main areas of improvement in your action plan and can be linked to one or more Indicators within the Trusted Standard. To create a new objective:

Step 1.

Enter the Trusted Standard Action Plan template, click on the Create Improvement tab

Step 2.

Enter a suitable Objective Title

Step 3.

Choose the appropriate Trusted Standard Level(s) in Select Evaluate Areas to link the object to.

Step 4.

Select which Indicator(s) from the Trusted Standard Quality Areas you wish to link the Objective to.

This will add the Objective to your Action Plan template and link it to your Self-Assessment

4. The Action Plan

This screenshot explains the main features in each Action Plan template.

A. Change your column widths and save your grid settings. If you want to reset your column widths click reset.
B. When you click the edit icon you will be able to edit each row. Don't forget to click the Save icon to update the record. The icon closes the Indicator without saving. The Delete button allows you to delete the Objective and the Link button allows you to choose which Trusted Standard Indicators you can link the Objective to.
C. The status of the overall Objective
D. The Objective description
E. To add a task for you or a colleague to complete
F. Who the Objective is assigned to
G. The Expected Impact of completing the Objective
H. The Current Impact of the work done on the Objective so far
I. The Target date for the completion of the Objective
J. The date the Objective was completed
K. Progress notes
L. Comments

Remember: Don't forget to click the Save button to update the record

Updated on: 14/03/2023

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