Understanding the users page
You are able to use this page to create and manage your user profiles. As users are invited by owners they will also be added to this list. Add a user A - Click add a user. Complete the record and click Update. Once updated the user will receive an email to invite them into the software. B - Don't forget to allocate access to the products by using the enable/disable buttons C - Upgrade user to Admin privileges D - Make the user an client owner. Note: Third-party organisations should nowSome readersUnderstanding how to set up third-party organisations
There may be times when you have purchased additional licences for your third-party organisations such as subcontractors. Here is an article on how you can create an organisation, invite a third-party administrator administrator and manage their subscription allocation. To add a third party organisation A - Click add new third-party organisation (subcontractor) B - A new row will appear to edit C - Third-party organisation name D - The lead contact including email address - The lead willSome readersUnderstanding the preferences page
Admin Preferences In preferences you can restrict activity of owners, change product names and if you have super administrator privileges you can control some of the things your administrators can do. A - Allow administrators to edit template structures means you can allow your administrators and clients owners to change the column settings. We recommend that you keep these disabled to ensureFew readersUnderstanding how to develop tags
Tags can be added by users to label or categorise data. For example, you may have an areas for improvement (AfI) that you want to categorise as an AfI related to Initial assessment or induction. You can import tags from a list that we have prepared here at mesma or if you have permission to do so, you can add your own. To import tags A - Click on import mesma tags to see what we have prepared earlier B - A list of tags will appear on a pop-up page C - Select the tag you want to import DFew readersAdministration control panel features explained
Admin control panel allows you to manage user access for your staff, create bespoke tags and groups, customise features an other external organisations to collaborate on your quality assurance activity. To access this you will require an Administration permissions. How to navigate A - The Admin Dashboard provides your main Client details explained and subscriptions (/en/article/understanding-Few readersUnderstanding how to create groups
Groups are another useful way of applying a category to your assessments and plans to enable you to view your data by group. For example; you may want to add a programme type group and assign these to particular assessments for plans. Here is how to set up your groups. A - Click on add group B - Type in your group name C - Save D - You can also assign a group to Assessment areas, Improvement plans and associate with users once these have been created Create a group (https://storage.Few readersUnderstanding how to set up departments
This article will support you in setting up your departments. invite a department administrator and manage their subscription allocation. To add a department A - Click Add New Department B - A new row will appear to edit C - Department name D - The lead contact including email address - The lead will receive an email to invite them into the software once this record is created E - Number of licences e.g. users you wish to allocate F - Number of assessment/plan areas you would like them to haFew readersClient details explained
Client details When you first receive your administrator login you will be asked to complete a questionnaire. This key information is held in client details in the Admin Dashboard. You can edit this information at any time.Few readersUnderstanding your subscription usage for Administrators
Manage your subscription A - Monitor the number of licences B - View the templates you have access to C - Monitor the number of areas. For example. If you have 20 self assessment, you can monitor how many have been created D - Ask to subscribe to new modules E - Request additional licences F - Renewal date of the module G - If you have purchased additional third-party organisation licences you can monitor usage here Subscriptions ( readersHow to mandate a template to a third-party organisation
To mandate your templates to a third party organisation, administrators must first create organisations in Admin controls (A). B. Click on your third party organisation tab. C. Click edit. D. The mandate template is a subscription feature. If this is enabled you will see an add button when you edit your organisation. E. A new pop up page will appear showing all the templates you are subscribed to. F. Select to enable / disable one or more of the templates.Few readersHow to mandate a template to a department
To mandate your templates to a department, administrators must first create departments in Admin controls (A). B. Click on your departments tab. C. Click edit. D. The mandate template is a subscription feature. If this is enabled you will see an add button when you edit your department. E. A new pop up page will appear showing all the templates you are subscribed to. F. Select to enable / disable one or more of the templates.Few readersUnderstanding the Estate page
The Estate page allows administrators to view the status of all activities, the users who are assigned to each. A - Select product to view B - Select 'active' or 'archive' to view C - Click to view participants for the area D - Export Excel summary of all activities E - Click to archive (you can unarchive via the archived tab) If an Administrator has permission to see the content of the activFew readersUnderstanding the users page for third-party organisation owners
As the lead/Owner for your Organisation you have been granted access to a control panel which includes a user page, this will show a list of your users who have been invited into your Assessment/Plans. (this may include users who have been granted access by the main client administrator) You are able to remove a license from a user for either the Assessment or Plan which will free up a license to reallocate. (the user will still show on your list and you will be able to reenable if needed. IfFew readersThird-party organisation control panel features explained
Subscription based - 3rd party organisations is the generic term for Partners, and title can be amended by the main Mesma client administrator. The main Client will have given you access as the lead person (Owner) for your organisation, your control panel will show in the draw A - click here to select third party organisation (only for those who are lead/owner for more than one B - This shows you whatFew readers