Articles on: Improve

Understanding the improvement plan homepage

You will soon become familiar with mesma icons and the features on your improvement plan homepage. Here is an explanation of all the features you can access via this page.

A - To navigate to your improvement plan homepage, click on Improve - Please note, your administrator is able to customise this heading so it may have a different name
B - When you first login as an owner your plan homepage may be blank. Click on the import/create icon to import an Improvement plan template.
C - Export your plan into Excel
D - Change your column widths and save your grid settings
E - If you want to reset your column widths click reset
F - Each row represents an plan you have been invited to contribute towards.

You can see the activity progress and current impact of your improvement activity. date the assessment is due, view all participants contributing to the plan, see if the assessment is associated with any groups or partners and the role column lets you see what role you have been allocated. To read more about the different roles click here.

Updated on: 07/03/2023

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