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Everything you need to know about your library product
Mesmasters session - Library
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Step-by-Step Set-up Guides for Administrators
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Getting started with your library portfolios
Getting to know your Library features - For Owners
In this article you will learn about all the features available to you as an Owner. You can create 3 different types of portfolios. All provide a different level of accessibility dependent upon user permissions (See permissions chart for more detail). Please see below:
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Getting started with your Library portfolio features - Participant and Readers
In this article you will learn about all the features available to you as an Participant or Reader. Working through each of the steps with help you understand how to complete your assessment. Verify your identity Step 1 Verify your email When you are first invited to use Mesma software you will be asked to authenticate your identity via your email address and reset your password. This article takes you through the steps. Authenticate your mesma software user ID (/en/a
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Library - link evidence
The benefit of the library's full version is that it allows you to upload a file once, share it with others and link to multiple products such an assessment, an enquiry or an improvement plan. Once you have uploaded your files you can then link the files to your products. A Click on link icon
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Library permissions chart
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Migrating files from Library lite to Library full
Congratulations you have upgraded to our Library full module If you have been saving your files locally in your assessment, you can now move these files to a library portfolio. To do this you will firstly need to create your portfolio and folders in the Library product. Click here to find out how. Once you have created these you can then migrate your files. Step 1 A From within the assessment or enquiry, click the 'Ev
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How does the library link with the other mesma products?
This article provides a brief outline of how the files in your library can be linked to other products in your mesma suite. How does the library link with the assessment (Evaluate)? Your files will show in the Evidence Column in the questions that have files linked. Clicking on the file will open the evidence file. How does the library link with the themed deep-dive reviews (Enquire)?
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Changing the owner of your portfolio
There are a number of reasons you may wish to change the ownership of a portfolio to another user. For instance when an owner changes roles or leaves the organisation. Owners have the permission to change the Ownership at any point in time. Follow these steps: Step 1 Click in the portfolio you want to change ownership of Step 2 Click on Change owner Step 3 A pop up appears: sele
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Q. - I am having issues uploading files into the library
If you encounter issues uploading files into the library, there are a few steps to troubleshoot:
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